====== Linux Kernel Driver for Raggedstone1 ====== ===== Building/Using under Linux 2.4.x ===== Make sure you have /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include, otherwise create a symlink: cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ ln -s /usr/src/linux build and then make should suffice to build the module. We've tested it under 2.4.4 as well as 2.4.27 This should also have compiled the user-space test-program called "send_to_fpga". **Creating the device node /dev/fpga** make makedev or mknod /dev/fpga c 100 0 (This major number might vary, check the kernel log after insmod for details) **Loading the Module** insmod ./mod_rs1_pci_driver.o **Testing** ./send_to_fpga 0x1234 If all went well, this should make the FPGA board display 1234 on the 7segment display. ===== Building/Using under Linux 2.6.x ===== **Compiling the Kernel Module** make -f Makefile.26 **Compiling the Userspace Application** make send_to_fpga **Loading the Module** insmod ./mod_rs1_pci_driver.ko **Testing** See "//Testing// under Linux 2.4.x"